Helper function to mass-map routes to methods. I use this setup in development to quickly map all "test/*" routes to a Test controller, to test out arbitrary PHP code. Updated version also supports DI in controller methods. Updated to correctly fill optional arguments.
// This trick has been superseded by Laravel Sketchpad
* Wildcard routing function
* @param string $route Base route, i.e. 'test'
* @param string $controller Path to controller, i.e. 'TestController'
* @param string|array $verbs Optional Route verb(s), i.e. 'get'; defaults to ['get', 'post']
* @usage wildcard('test', 'TestController');
* @usage wildcard('test', 'TestController', ['get']);
* @usage wildcard('test', 'Test\TestController');
* @example http://localhost/test/hello/world
* @example http://localhost/test/goodbye/world
* @example http://localhost/test/foo/1/2/3
* @author Dave Stewart |
function wildcard($route, $controller, $verbs = ['get', 'post'])
// variables
$stack = Route::getGroupStack();
$namespace = end($stack)['namespace'];
$controller = $namespace . '\\' . $controller;
// routing
Route::match($verbs, rtrim($route, '/') . '/{method}/{params?}', function($method, $params = null) use ($route, $controller)
// method
$callable = $controller . '@' . $method;
// call
// variables
$values = explode('/', $params);
$ref = new ReflectionMethod($controller, $method);
$params = $ref->getParameters();
$args = [];
// map route segments to the method's parameters
foreach ($params as /** @var \ReflectionParameter */ $param)
// parse signature [match, optional, type, name, default]
preg_match('/<(required|optional)> (?:([\\\\a-z\d_]+) )?(?:\\$(\w+))(?: = (\S+))?/i', (string) $param, $matches);
// assign untyped segments
if($matches[2] == null)
$args[$matches[3]] = array_shift($values);
// append any remaining values
$values = array_merge($args, $values);
// call
App::call($callable, $values);
})->where('params', '.*');