Get a real-time view of all the currently executing queries.
| 1. Before you start with this create a file in your logs folder (eg : 'query.log') and grant laravel write access to it.
| 2. Place the snippet in your '/app/start/local.php' file. (or routes.php or anywhere...)
| 3. Access artisan from your console and type this -
| $ php artisan tail --path="app/storage/logs/query.log" (better use full path)
$path = storage_path().'/logs/query.log';
App::before(function($request) use($path) {
$start = PHP_EOL.'=| '.$request->method().' '.$request->path().' |='.PHP_EOL;
File::append($path, $start);
Event::listen('illuminate.query', function($sql, $bindings, $time) use($path) {
// Uncomment this if you want to include bindings to queries
//$sql = str_replace(array('%', '?'), array('%%', '%s'), $sql);
//$sql = vsprintf($sql, $bindings);
$time_now = (new DateTime)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');;
$log = $time_now.' | '.$sql.' | '.$time.'ms'.PHP_EOL;
File::append($path, $log);