These are helper functions which allow you to write more concise router code:
1- It does not override or replace the default syntax. (you can use the default too)
2- for url-prefix in group() the "/..." at the end is optional.
3- namespace in group() should be after the @ or $ or &
4- middlewares should be after a | at the end.
5- route names should be in ( ).
6- spaces are simply ignored.
*DO NOT forget to hit like or comment if you liked it.*
// "/..." is optional
group('some-url/... @Acme | auth', function()
get( '/url' , 'HomeController@index (routeName) | auth,logger '); // brackets are optional
resource('this-url/' , 'HomeController++(index, show)' ); //only index and show
// in other words these work the same :
Route:group(['prefix'=>'some-url' , 'namespace'=>'Acme' , 'middleware'=>'auth'] , function(){});
group('some-url/... @Acme | auth', function(){});
get( '/url' , ['as'=>'routeName','uses'=>'HomeController@index','middleware'=>['auth','logger']]);
get( '/url' , 'HomeController@index (routeName) | auth , logger ');
resource('this-url/' , 'HomeController' , ['only' => ['index' , 'show']] );
resource('this-url/' , 'HomeController++(index, show)' );
resource('that-url/' , 'HomeController' , ['except' =>['post' , 'delete']] );
resource('that-url/' , 'HomeController--(post, delete)');
get( '/url' , ' HomeController@index ( routeName ) | auth , logger '); // is equal:
get( '/url' , 'HomeController@index(routeName)|auth,logger '); // to this
resource('this-url/' , 'HomeController++(index, show)' );
resource('this-url/' , 'HomeController+(index, show)' );
resource('that-url/' , 'HomeController--(post, delete)');
resource('that-url/' , 'HomeController-(post, delete)');
get( '/url' , 'HomeController@index (routeName) | auth , logger ');
get( '/url' , 'HomeController@index (routeName) |["auth","logger"] ');
group('some-url/... @Acme | auth', function(){});
group('some-url @Acme | auth', function(){}); // The /... is optional
// how to use it ???
// in your bootstrap/autoload.php file :
require __DIR__.'/../my-helpers.php';
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
///* put this code in your my-helper.php *///
function resource( $name , $controller , array $options = [ ] )
$controller = preg_replace( '/\s*?/' , '' , $controller ); // stripes spaces
if( preg_match( '/.*?\+\+?[\(\[](.*)[\]\)]/' , $controller ) ) // if it was like homeControlle++(get,post)
$option = preg_replace( '/.*\+\+?[\(\[](.*)[\]\)]/' , '$1' , $controller ); // take out the verbs
$options[ 'only' ] = preg_split( '/\s*,\s*/' , $option ); // split verbs by commas
$controller = preg_replace( '/(.*?)\+\+?.*/' , '$1' , $controller ); // take out the controller name
if( preg_match( '/.*?--?[\(\[](.*)[\]\)]/' , $controller ) ) // if it was like homeControlle--(get,post)
$option = preg_replace( '/.*--?[\(\[](.*)[\]\)]/' , '$1' , $controller ); // take out the verbs
$options[ 'only' ] = preg_split( '/\s*,\s*/' , $option ); // split verbs by commas
$controller = preg_replace( '/(.*?)--?.*/' , '$1' , $controller ); // take out the controller name
$controller = preg_replace( '/.*\+\((.*)\)/' , '$1' , $controller );
return app( 'router' )->resource( $name , $controller , $options );
function group($url,$closure)
$url = preg_replace( '/\s*?/' , '' , $url ); // stripes spaces
$url = preg_replace( '/(.*)\[(.*)\](.*)/' , '$1$2$3' , $url );// stripes [ and ]
$url = preg_replace( '/[\'"]/' , '' , $url ); // stripes ' and "
$url = preg_replace('/(.*?)(\/\.\.\.?\.?)/','$1',$url); // stripes: /...
if( preg_match( '/.*?\|.*/' , $url ) ) //if it has middleware with |
$middles = preg_replace( '/.*\|(.*)/' , '$1' , $url ); // find the middlewares
$options[ 'middleware' ] = explode( ',' , $middles ); // convert them into array
$url = preg_replace( '/(.*)(\|.*)/' , '$1' , $url ); //detach the middleware from the end of action string
if( preg_match( '/.*?[@#&*].*/' , $url ) )
$options[ 'namespace' ] = preg_replace( '/.*?[@#&*](.*)/' , '$1' , $url );
$url = preg_replace( '/(.*)([@#&*].*)/' , '$1' , $url ); //detach the middleware from the end of action string
$options['prefix'] = $url;
function get( $uri , $action )
$options = parse_action( $action );
return app( 'router' )->get( $uri , $options );
function post( $uri , $action )
$options = parse_action( $action );
return app( 'router' )->post( $uri , $options );
function put( $uri , $action )
$options = parse_action( $action );
return app( 'router' )->put( $uri , $options );
function patch( $uri , $action )
$options = parse_action( $action );
return app( 'router' )->patch( $uri , $options );
function delete( $uri , $action )
$options = parse_action( $action );
return app( 'router' )->delete( $uri , $options );
function parse_action( $action )
if( is_array( $action ) )
return $action;
$action = preg_replace( '/\s*?/' , '' , $action ); //stripes spaces
$action = preg_replace( '/(.*)\[(.*)\](.*)/' , '$1$2$3' , $action );//stripes [ and ]
$action = preg_replace( '/[\'"]/' , '' , $action ); //stripes ' and "
$options[ 'middleware' ] = null;
$options[ 'as' ] = null;
$options[ 'uses' ] = null;
if( preg_match( '/.*?\|.*/' , $action ) ) //if it has middleware
$middles = preg_replace( '/.*\|(.*)/' , '$1' , $action );
$options[ 'middleware' ] = explode( ',' , $middles );
$action = preg_replace( '/(.*)(\|.*)/' , '$1' , $action ); //detach the middleware from the end of action string
if( preg_match( '/.*?\(.*?\)/' , $action ) )// if it has route name in ()
$options[ 'as' ] = preg_replace( '/.*?\((.*?)\)/' , '$1' , $action ); // find the routeName
$action = preg_replace( '/(.*?)\((.*?)\)/' , '$1' , $action ); // delete the routeName
$options[ 'uses' ] = $action;
return $options;