Easy Eloquent + Relation Cache Management

Submitted by nlogachev - 11 years ago

Combining Model Observers and Cache Tags for very simple but elegant automatic cache flushing on Eloquent Model updates. Can handle both a Model and its Relations easily!

/* Subclassable, generic Model Observer */

class ModelObserver {

    protected function clearCacheTags($tags)
	public function saved($model)

	public function deleted($model)

	public function restored($model)


/* Base Model that other models subclass */

class BaseModel extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
	public static function table()
		$instance = new static;
		return $instance->getTable();

/* Set up observers, for example in start/global.php */

$modelObserver = new ModelObserver;

/* Putting it all together: note how regardless of which model type gets 
 * updated, we've tagged this Cache closure with each of the involved models'
 * tables, so we will automatically get a fresh result set in case of changes.

$posts = Cache::tags(User::table(),Post::table(),Comment::table())->remember('whatever_unique_key_you_want', 60 * 24, function() {
    return Post::with('user','comments')