Sometimes we need to validate that several fields that are partial percentages don't sum up over the 100%. It is possible to achieve this with a custom validation rule and then using it on each partial, indicating the other fields as arguments.
// AppServiceProvider.php (or your preferred)
use Validator;
// ...
// Extend the validation rule with the custom rule called 'percentage'
public function boot()
Validator::extend('percentage', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
$sum = 0;
foreach ($parameters as $key => $attributeName) {
$attributeValue = array_get($validator->getData(), $attributeName);
$sum += floatval($attributeValue);
$sum += floatval($value);
return $sum <= 100;
// ...
// In your controller, or wherever you build your validation set
// ...
'body_fat' => 'numeric|max:100|min:0|percentage:skeletal_muscle,rest',
'skeletal_muscle' => 'numeric|max:100|min:0|percentage:body_fat,rest',
'rest' => 'numeric|max:100|min:0|percentage:body_fat,skeletal_muscle',
// ...