Convert plan string paragraph and wrap inside HTML <p> tag in PHP

Submitted by npanigrahy - 7 years ago

Inserts HTML <p> tags before all newlines in a string

public static function nl2p($string, $line_breaks = true, $xml = true)
    $string = str_replace(array('<p>', '</p>', '<br>', '<br />'), '', $string);
    // It is conceivable that people might still want single line-breaks
    // without breaking into a new paragraph.
    if ($line_breaks == true)
        return '<p>' . preg_replace(array("/([\n]{2,})/i", "/([^>])\n([^<])/i"), array("</p>\n<p>", '$1<br' . ($xml == true ? ' /' : '') . '>$2'), trim($string)) . '</p>';
        return '<p>' . preg_replace(
            array("/([\n]{2,})/i", "/([\r\n]{3,})/i", "/([^>])\n([^<])/i"),
            array("</p>\n<p>", "</p>\n<p>", '$1<br' . ($xml == true ? ' /' : '') . '>$2'),

            trim($string)) . '</p>';