Connect with the API

Submitted by barryvanveen - 7 years ago

I've written a package that allows you to connect with the API. With you can track which music you listen to. Through the API you can retrieve some cool statistics. Checkout for the full readme and more examples.

// Install with Composer
composer require barryvanveen/lastfm

// Update config/app.php and register the LastfmServiceProvider
'providers' => [

// Publish the config file and configure your API key in /config/lastfm.php
php  artisan vendor:publish --provider="Barryvanveen\Lastfm\LastfmServiceProvider"

 * Basic example: 
 * - use dependency injection to get the Lastfm class
 * - retrieve a list of top albums that you listened to
 * - assign the result to the view
use Barryvanveen\Lastfm\Lastfm;
public function index(Lastfm $lastfm)
    $albums = $lastfm->userTopAlbums('AnyUsername')->get();
    return view('home', compact('albums'));

 * More advanced example: 
 * - use dependency injection to get the Lastfm class
 * - retrieve a list of top artists
 *       limit to max 5 results
 *       only use statistics from the last week
 * - assign the results to the view
use Barryvanveen\Lastfm\Lastfm;
public function index(Lastfm $lastfm)
    $artists = $lastfm->userTopArtists('AnyUsername')
    return view('home', compact('artists'));