Chaining eager loading

Submitted by milon - 10 years ago

You can chain eager loading to avoid N+1 problem. Suppose you have 3 tables. customer[id, email], pos[id, serial_number] and restaurant[id, name, customer_id, pos_id] so restaurant table can act like a pivot table and it also have some value attribute. So now we can call customer from pos table via chaining eager loading.

 *  Relationships

#Customer model
public function restaurant(){
    return $this -> hasOne('Restaurant');

#Pos model
public function restaurant(){
    return $this -> hasOne('Restaurant');

#Restaurant model
public function customer(){
    return $this->belongsTo('Customer');

public function inventory(){
    return $this->belongsTo('Pos');

 *  Eagerloading(probably on controller)

$pos_list = Pos::with(['restaurant', 'restaurant.customer'])->get();