No more UUID/GUIDs

Submitted by Donny5300 - 7 years ago

This example provides a quick and simple method to generate a hash for a model without saving a UUID/GUID to the database.


     * Attach a hash to the user model. This way we dont need a UUID/GUID. Keep
     * in mind that the HASH will change every time when you instantiate the
     * User model
     * Class User
    class User extends Model
        protected $appends = [ 'hash' ];

         * @return string
        public function getHashAttribute()
            return encrypt( $this->id );


    # Route
    Route::get( 'user/{user_hash}/show', [
        'as'   => '',
        'uses' => 'UserController@show'
    ] );

    # Model Binding
     * @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException
    app( 'router' )->bind( 'user_hash', function ( $hash ) {
        return app( User::class )->findOrFail( decrypt( $hash ) );
    } );

<!-- Create a link -->
<a href="{{route('', [$user->hash])}}">Edit</a>