Arrays on steroids

Submitted by xroot - 9 years ago

Hi guys, well let me share with you this trick that you may not know: isn't going to be great to use collection methods with your own array . well laravel make this simple , we can know turn our arrays to collections and interact with its just as we do with eloquent collection .

$devs = [
['name' => 'Anouar Abdessalam','email' => ''],
['name' => 'Bilal Ararou','email' => '']

//Now I can overwrite the array variable:

$devs = new Illuminate\Support\Collection( $devs );

//Now I can do something like :
$devs->first() //['name' => 'Anouar Abdessalam','email' => '']

$devs->last() //['name' => 'Bilal Ararou','email' => '']
$devs->push(['name' => 'xroot','email' => '']); //this will add the new dev to the collection .